Benefits of Gay Ghee – Triveni Herbal
You will not be able to find anyone who isn't aware of the benefits of consuming gay ghee or cow ghee. If you are also one of the members of Indian society, then you have heard about the benefits of consuming it all these years of growing up. The gaay ghee is made from the cow milk which is famous for containing medicinal properties and also nourishes an individual with a number of health benefits. It contains butterfat, water and milk proteins. Gaay ghee contains a number of nutrients and also the antioxidants, antifungal and antibacterial properties that helps an individual to fight with a many issues. It also helps in digestion, helps in developing the bones, protects the arteries and also boosts immunity. Along with this there are several other gay ghee benefits . So in this article we'll talk about those! So let's get started with this. · It has been proved that cow ghee helps in improving digestion by revitalizing ...